Rock, The

Starring: Nicolas Cage, William Forsythe, Sean Connery, James Caviezel, Ed Harris, David Morse, Raymond Cruz, Steve Harris, Todd Louiso

Directed by: Michael Bay

Produced by: Hollywood Pictures, Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films

Distributed by: Buena Vista, Hollywood Pictures

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: June 9, 1996
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: One of the best of the season.
Ed Harris plays a renegade marine general who siezes Alcatraz and the tourists on it, to act as a fort while he threatens San Francisco with VX gas. If launched, the chemical warfare attack would kill the bulk of the population there. To combat this, a team of SEALs is sent in, along with Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage. Connery plays a former inmate of the "The Rock", who is along for the ride because he knows the secret tunnels underneath the island. Cage is along because he knows how to disarm the chemical warheads (he's a chemical specialist, not used to combat). A great cast, with good direction and an exciting story, all come together for a great movie.  

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