Jingle All the Way

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, NFN Sinbad, Phil Hartman, Rita Wilson, Robert Conrad, Martin Mull, James Belushi

Directed by: Brian Levant

Produced by: 20th Century Fox, 1492 Pictures

Distributed by: 20th Century Fox

Genre: comedy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: November 26, 1996
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: B
Summary: Amusing and goofy, Arnold struggles with lots of lines.
Arnold Schwarznegger stars as a desperate Dad who searches in vain to find the sold-out toy his son wants. He competes with Sinbad who is likewise searching for this toy, on Christmas Eve, when all the stores are sold out. This was quite a timely movie considering the "Elmo" craze. It's a decent action/adventure comedy, and gets a little crazy now and then. 

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