Star Wars

Starring: Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, James Earl Jones, David Prowse, Peter Mayhew, Peter Cushing

Directed by: George Lucas

Produced by: Lucasfilm, Ltd.

Distributed by: 20th Century Fox

Genre: science fiction

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: February 7, 1997
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: Special Edition.
In this high-tech remastering of the science-fantasy classic, we are treated to much better special effects, much improved sound, edited scenes with more monsters, a new scene with Jabba the Hut and Boba Fett in the background, a better view of Mos Eisley, and a few other treats. This finally makes Star Wars worthy of its two sequels. 

A+ A+ A+
Review by tmon Date seen: December 31, 2000
Viewing Location: NYC Grade: A+
Summary: Amazing for its time -- and now
Considering when it was produced, the special effects and story line were amazingly realistic and believable. It never gets old. The "special edition" version added some neat scenes and fun spfx, but the base movie is, by itself, all that you need. The turnout for the theatre re-release was pretty good, which says a lot about a work of art destined to be a classic. 

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