Fire Down Below

Starring: Kris Kristofferson, Steven Seagal, Harry Dean Stanton

Directed by: Felix Enriquez Alcala

Produced by: Seagal/Nasso Productions

Distributed by: Warner Bros.

Genre: action/adventure

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: September 6, 1997
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: B
Summary: The Antitoxic Avenger, cardcarrying member of the ACLU!
Steven Seagal returns as yet another bleeding heart liberal who happens to be extremely skilled in martial arts. Here, he plays an EPA detective investigating a backwards hillbilly town in eastern Kentucky. The evil owner of a local coal mine is dropping tons of toxic waste into an abandoned mine, which of course threatens the local water table. Seagal comes into town, befriends the locals, roots out the evildoers, and gets in lots of fights. However, he just doesn't seem to have the intensity of the past several films he's done; maybe it's because this role is just too absurd. Thus, I put the blame more on the story than on the actors. Still, it's pretty enjoyable, as long as you can exercise willing suspension of disbelief. 

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