Gun Shy

Starring: Oliver Platt, Liam Neeson, Sandra Bullock, Jose Zuniga

Directed by: Eric Blakeney

Produced by: Hollywood Pictures, Fortis Films

Distributed by: Buena Vista

Genre: drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: February 5, 2000
Viewing Location: 42nd st Ewalk, NYC Grade: A-
Summary: Oliver Platt rules!
At this point I think I want to see everything Oliver Platt's ever done. I was initially going to pass on this film, as Sandra Bullock movies are frequently dumb, but when I realized Platt was in it, well, I had to see it. Glad I did! Bullock's role in the movie is truly peripherial, which is great. Liam Neeson plays an undercover DEA agent who's completely stressed out and trying to work a deal while dealing with incredible bowel problems brought on by the stress. Platt plays a mafioso-wannabe that's trying to pull off a deal to prove to his father-in-law that he's worthy of better "family business". Everyone's getting screwed though, as the backstabbing is nonstop. So, the movie was a LOT better than I expected it to be! Unfortunately the script/plot leaves a ton of holes at the end, which is rather disturbing. You'd think for an 85-minute film they could have had 5 more minutes to wrap the loose ends, somehow. 

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