Fantasia 2000

Directed by: James Algar, Gaetan Brizzi

Produced by: Walt Disney Productions

Distributed by: Buena Vista, Disney

Genre: fantasy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: February 4, 2000
Viewing Location: Upper West Side, NYC Grade: A-
Summary: The butterflies were my favorite.
This is a series of animated segments set to classical music pieces, introduced by live celebrities. I saw this movie on the IMAX, which I recommend. If you can't see it on IMAX, try at least to sit in the front row. My favorite segment was the first one, with computerized butterflies and Beethoven's 5th. I also really liked Stravinsky's Firebird, which was the last segment. The whales were also pretty cool (thanks Crunch). I bet if one were wasted, it'd be even better; that's how it is with animations and powerful music, right? 

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