Primary Colors

Starring: John Travolta, Billy Bob Thornton, Emma Thompson, Larry Hagman, Rob Reiner, Kathy Bates, Maura Tierney

Directed by: Mike Nichols

Produced by: Universal Pictures, Mutual Film Company

Distributed by: Universal

Genre: drama

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



A- A- A-
Review by Xibo Date seen: April 10, 1998
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A-
Summary: John Travolta imitates Clinton too well.
John Travolta gives an amazing performance as Bill Clinton, er, I mean, Governer Stanton, a fictional governor from Tennessee. Right, this is a work of fiction, not a re-enactment of the 1992 campaign. The characters only bear an extreme resemblence to reality. Okay, George Stephanopolous is replaced with a naive black guy, but pretty much the rest remains the same, and that's what makes this movie so fascinating. Cathy Bates and Billy Bob Thornton provide fabulous supporting roles. I expect Thornton in particular to go places. 

Review by smeehrrr Date seen: February 2, 2000
Viewing Location: The Evil Empire Grade: B
Summary: It left me flat
I'm starting to wonder about John Travolta. I was very excited about the guy after Pulp Fiction, and he was groovy in Face/Off and Get Shorty, but other than that he's given an impressive series of lifeless performances. Primary Colors is a good example - he's doing a Bill Clinton impression, OK, we get it, but it isn't a particularly good one, nor is the script he has to work with particularly interesting. Emma Thompson is somewhat better as Hillary, and Billy Bob Thornton is uncanny as James Carville. As an insider's look into the Clinton campaign, it isn't all that insightful. This is worth watching if it happens to be on, and maybe as a rental, but certainly not worth full movie price. 

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