Truman Show, The

Starring: Jim Carrey, Philip Baker Hall, Natascha McElhone, Paul Giamatti, Ed Harris, Noah Emmerich, Laura Linney, Harry Shearer

Directed by: Peter Weir

Produced by: Paramount Pictures, Scott Rudin Productions

Distributed by: Paramount

Genre: fantasy

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



Review by Xibo Date seen: June 6, 1998
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: A
Summary: A really unique and interesting idea.
Jim Carrey gives the best performance of his life in this film about a man who is unaware that he lives inside of a TV show. Inspired by MTV's "Real World" and the jennicam, The Truman Show is TV's most popular program. Truman is unaware that his home and town are covered by 5000 hidden cameras. Some people are trying to get through to him, to help him escape, to make him aware that he's trapped. Meanwhile as luck would have it, after thirty years, the show (a city inside a very large dome) is developing infrastructure problems, giving him the clues he needs that something is not quite right. Throughout the film there are many places where I cheered and laughed, it was great entertainment. The only problem with the film is that I wanted it to go on longer. 

Review by Finrod Date seen: June 6, 1998
Viewing Location: theater Grade: A
Summary: Jim Carrey can do drama too, who would have guessed?
Jim Carrey does an excellent job portraying a guy who has grown up living his entire life in a small synthetic town, entirely created for the ultimate reality TV show. As you would expect, this makes for an oddly stilted character, which he portrays very well. I would have liked to have seen how his character handled the real world, but that would have changed the tone of the movie dramatically.  

Review by smeehrrr Date seen: February 2, 2000
Viewing Location: The Evil Empire Grade: A
Summary: See it twice
I saw this movie on an airplane the first time, which is probably the second worst way to see a film, the worst being "seeing a film while seated on a red-hot fireplace poker whilst a large gorilla repeatedly bashes you in the head with fistfuls of excrement." I didn't particularly like it the first time. So then it came on cable, and I decided to sit down and watch it again, and it was a totally different film. Jim Carrey is a good actor when he drops his wacky Jim-Carrey-shtick, and he turns in a noteworth performance as Truman Burbank. The script is fully functional on several levels. Plus Ed Harris gets you about 1000 bonus points right there.  

A- A- A-
Review by tmon Date seen: December 31, 2000
Viewing Location: NYC Grade: A-
Summary: Disturbing but funny.
It was good to see Jim Carrey doing not only what he does best but also venturing a bit into more of the dramatic. (I've seen him in another dramatic role and I think he's just not using all of his talents.) So, what does a man do when he breaks out of the goldfish bowl? 

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