Perfect Murder, A

Starring: Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow

Directed by: Andrew Davis

Produced by: Warner Bros., Kopelson Entertainment

Distributed by: Warner Bros.

Genre: mystery

Xibo's grade:


Average grade:



C+ C+ C+
Review by Xibo Date seen: July 3, 1998
Viewing Location: Secaucus Grade: C+
Summary: Manipulative bitches will like this.
Michael Douglas stars in this remake of a Hitchcock classic about a man who discovers his wife's sleeping around with an artist, but the artist is really a con-man in disguise, so he hires the con to kill his wife. One would expect this to be a mystery, or at least a suspenseful drama, but it strictly works by-the-numbers, with no major plot twists or surprises. The dumb thing about it all is that she gets it all-- even though she's guilty of adultery, the film rewards her character. It doesn't make any sense. 

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